Gabriel Roth’s 5 Rhythms are a meditation and dance practice, designed to awaken the dancer within each one of us, regardless of experience, age and physical shape.
We want to be aware of that which lives inside of us and longs for expression. Dancing the 5 Rhythms we express it.
As we dance the 5 Rhythms, we free our body from all suppressed emotions and thoughts. Our blocked energy starts to flow again and we feel our vitality. There is literally nothing which could not be moved through dance.
As we dance 5 the 5 Rhythms, we access a physical and instinctive level. We connect with the source of both our energy and our creative expression. We now encounter others in a simple, natural and authentic way: we are fully present.
In the rhythm of Flowing we become aware.
In the rhythm of Staccato we express.
In the rhythm of Chaos we let go.
In the rhythm of Lyrical the dance of our soul emerges.
In the rhythm of Stillness we rest in our being.
The 5 Rhythms follow a universal pattern that swells and ebbs with a wave-like dynamic – hence the term “Wave” was coined for the complete sequence of all five rhythms.
Each Wave takes us to ourselves. What is torn is mended, we experience a state of unity.
“Put the psyche into motion and it will heal itself.” – Gabrielle Roth
A Wave starts with the rhythm of Flowing.